You will never believe what happened today on the way to my mom and dad's house to get our Christmas tree. There was a spider in the car! It was about the size of a pin head and, from what I could tell, not moving, but it caused a whole lot of trouble. Lucky for you, I had the camera! Now before you watch this video, there are a couple things you should know. Number one, this had been going on for quite a few miles. Number two, the other voice you hear is Ben mocking her. Number Three, we were playing "I spy with my little eye" to try and distract her. Got all that? Okay, GO!
I know. I'm terrible. But it was too funny. Well, you will be happy to know we did finally make it to Grammy's (after Daddy pulled over and let the poor spider out) and we picked out our tree. Yes, we get our tree from my dad's back yard. It's free. Here is this year's pick:
Yup! That's after it was all tied down. This is how we drove home. Laughing at all of the people we passed with tiny trees tied neatly to the tops of their station wagons.
When we got there, Robbie readied his homemade contraption, I mean Christmas tree stand, and luckily we had some family come help us get it into the house.
Ta-Da!! 20 foot tree, ready for lights!
You know what this means? Tomorrow I can do the thing I wait all year for...wrap presents!!!
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